“Methodology” training day the 20th January 2016

This “Methodology” training day is organized by the doctoral School STEP’UP in collaboration with the LabEx UnivEarths. The lectures given on november 2015 in Santorini will be held in IPGP, Paris, the 20th January :

Numerical modeling data assimilation (Alexandre Fournier)
morning 9h30- 12h30
(Salle P05 Grenat – IPGP Cuvier)
Collecting and processing of data in extreme environments (Florent Brenguier)
afternoon 14h00-17h00
(Salle P07 Outremer – IPGP Cuvier)

If you are interested, you are welcome to come and to register to the formation ED-SPU1-STE1 at:  http://ed560.ipgp.fr/index.php/Formations_scientifiques