A brief history of Stephen Hawking

Born January 8, 1942, Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76, January 14, 2018, the day of the birth of Albert Einstein, a powerful symbolic framework for this astrophysicist who was devoted to a career to establish a physical theory at all to weave a link between general relativity and quantum mechanics, via his work on black holes, but also on the Big Bang and the origin of the universe. Stephen Hawking had also become a media icon, image of the pure spirit locked in a sick body.

In 2008, he took part in the scientific inauguration days of the Laboratory Astroparticle and Cosmology at the National Library of France and presented two lectures: “The origin of the Universe” and “Quantum amplitude for the Universe” .

You can find the videos of these days and its interventions: Inauguration of the Laboratory IN2P3 AstroParticle and Cosmology

On the occasion of his death, the radio program “La méthode scientifique” pays homage to him, with the intervention among others of Nathalie Deruelle, director of research CNRS and member of the laboratory Astroparticle and Cosmology of the University Paris Diderot.