Advanced Virgo + Day on May 31, 2018

A French Advanced Virgo + day is organized on May 31 in Paris (ENS, 24 rue Lhomond). It will be an opportunity to present the instrumental evolutions envisaged for Advanced Virgo, as well as the science that will then be accessible and the evolution of the data analysis that will be necessary.

This day is open to all those who are interested in these topics, without necessarily being members of the Virgo collaboration. This will of course be an opportunity to discuss  exchange and participation in the Virgo collaboration.

Registration, see link below, is necessary but free. If you wish to have a meal on site, you must indicate it during registration and also choose your lunch bag here.

This day is organized with the support of the French Research Group Gravitational Waves.


More informations and registration on the Indico page :