May 30, 2018: USPC Labex Day

Launched as part of the large government loan of 2010-2011, the “Future investments” had certified 9 Labex in USPC, including the Labex UnivEarthS. On May 30, each Labex will present to the USPC board of directors, and in public, the most significant facts of its work.

La recherche scientifique © Pascal Monteil


Presenting themself in 3 minutes and presenting their work in 15 minutes are the “challenges” that the Labex teams will face. Far from an exhaustive presentation of the works, the point is to highlight a scientific success or remarkable discovery, an unexpected result or an emergent question, a realization out of the research (action of formation, valorization, of student life, socio-economic partnership, international partnership …).


First sequence: “Labex in 3 minutes”


8:15 am: Welcome
8.30am: Welcome note: P. Bach, ENSAPVS
8:35: the Labex and the future of the USPC site: F. Houllier, USPC
8:45 am: presentation of each of the 9 Labex in 3 minutes and 1 slide
9:15 am: discussion with the Council of USPC Members (Presidents of institutions and representatives of research organizations)
10h00: coffee break, library of ENSAPVS

Second sequence: “The Labex in 3 questions”

Presentation, in 15 minutes, of each Labex. Each presentation will be followed by 10 minutes of questions.

10: 30-11: 45: LIEPP, ICCA, EFL
12:00 – 13:00: lunch break
13: 00-14: 15: UnivEarthS, SEAM, Who Am I?
14h30-15h45: GR-Ex, ImmunoOnco, Inflamex


ENSA Paris Val de Seine
3-15 quai Panhard and Levassor – 75013 Paris

These sessions are open to everyone.

Please register now to attend the conference!