October 2013: IAU symposium on The Galactic Center: Feeding and Feedback in a Normal Galactic Nucleus, Santa Fe, US
This 5-day IAU symposium 303 dedicated to the astrophysics of the Galactic Center will be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, from 30 Sept 2013 to 4 Oct 2013.
The aim is to bring together Galactic center researchers to discuss topics concerning the following questions:
- What are the detailed physical properties of the clouds in the Central Molecular Zone and what is the potential for forming stars in this environment?
- What is the role of stellar feedback in our Galactic center and in starbursts?
- How well do we understand the accretion processes around Sgr A*, and the inner pc’s of the Galactic center?
- What tracers do we have of Sgr A*’s prior AGN-like history? Are the Fermi bubbles related, or due to stellar processes?
- What are we learning about the Galactic center environment from observations with new facilities such as ALMA, Fermi, NuSTAR, and new multiwavelength campaigns
See: https://science.nrao.edu/science/meetings/IAU303-GC2013
These topics are at the core of the science covered by the Labex UnivEarthS E2 project, several members of the project will participate to the symposium.