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Storage of carbon by the Himalaya: the importance of organic carbon unveiled

Affleurement de schistes noirs graphitiques dans l’Himalaya du Népal.

An international team, led by IPGP researchers, has looked into organic carbon stored as graphite in the Nepal Himalaya, whose importance as compared with well-known carbonates for the global carbon budget of the chain remains poorly understood. Studying this stored graphite is essential to better estimate the carbon sink/source duality of large orogens and its associated effects on Earth’s climate. […]

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Where do geological CO2 emissions come from?

An international team, including researchers from the IPGP, has developed a technique using radon gas to track CO2 emissions observed at the surface, whose origin and mobility remain poorly understood. Studying this CO2 is essential to better predict and assess the seismic and volcanic risks associated with these emissions. High geological CO2 emissions are generally associated with active volcanoes and […]

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